Conditions that affect parental attitudes towards the infant

Preparation for parental duties:-
Parents who have had experience in caring for earlier born children, taken courses given in prenatal clinics or baby sat for older siblings or neighbour's, children have more confidence in assuming the parental role than those who have lacked experience.

The child birth experience:-
The mother's attitude toward the infant is more favorable when the childbirth experience has been relatively easy than when it is prolonged, difficult and followed by physical complications.

The mother's physical condition after child birth:-if there is a suspicious or actual evidence that the infant is defective in some respect, parental attitude will be coloured by disappointed.

The infant postnatal adjustment:-

The more quickly a mother recover after childbirth, the more favorable her attitude toward the infant will be and the more confident she will be her ability to fulfill her maternal role satisfactory.

Concern about expences:-
When complications arise at childbirth,  such as a caesarean operation, prematurity which necessitates special nursing care and a prolonged stay in the hospital, or some defect brought on at birth , parental attitude will be  unfavorably affected.

Evidence of defects:-
The faster and the better the infant adjust to thepostnal environment, the more favorable the parents attitude will be.

Infantile crying:-
Infant who cry excessively and without apparent reason encourage the development of favorable attitudes not only on the part of parents but also on the part of all family members.
