Early childhood development

 Although the foundation of some of the developmental tasks young children are expected to master before they enter school are laid babyhood, when b

abyhood ends, all normal Babies have learned to walk, though with varying degrees and proficiency. Have learned to took solid food.

         While most babies have built up a useful vocabulary, have reasonably correct pronunciation of the words they use

Factors influencing how much young children talk:-

Intelligence:- The brighter the child, the more quickly speech skill will be mastered and, consequently, the ability to talk.

Type of discipline:- Children who grow up in homes discipline tends to be permissive, talk more than those whose parents are authoritarian


Ordinal position:- Firstborn children are encouraged to talk more than later born sibling and their parents have more time to talk to them.

Family size:- Only children are encouraged to talk more than children from large family and their parents have more time to talk to them. In large families the discipline is likely to be authoritarian and this prevents children from talking as much as they would like to.

Socioeconomic status:-

In lower-class families, family activities tend to be less organized  than  those in middle and upper class families . There is also less conversation among the family members and less conversation among , the family members and less encouragement for the child to talk.

Racial status:- The poorer quality of speech and of conversation  skill to many young black children may be due to the part to the fact that they have grown up in homes where father is absent.
