Growth of physical and psychological development in babyhood

Babies grow rapidly, both physically and psychologically. With this rapid growth comes a change not only in appearance but also in capacities. 
Babyhood is an age of decreasing dependency
The decrease in dependency on others results from the rapid development of body control which enables the babies to sit, and walk and to manipulate objects. 

Baby hood is the age of increase individuality
Individuality is shown in appearance and in patterns of behaviour. Even identical multiple birth show individuality.

Babyhood is the beginning of socialization:-
Babies show their desires to become a part of the social group by putting up protest when they are left alone for any length of time and by trying to win the attention of others in any way they can.

Babyhood is the beginning of sex role typing:-
Almost from the movement of birth, boys are treated as boys and girls as girls. For example boys are dressed in blue clothes, covered with blue blankets, toys are selected that are appropriate for boys and their activities.

Babyhood the beginning of creativity:-
Because of their lack of muscle coordination and their inability to control their environment,  babies are incapable to doing any thing that
can be regarded as original or creative.


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