Life span development task

Babyhood and early childhood:-
●Learning to take solids food.
● Learning to walk.
● Learning to talk.
● Learning to control the elimination of body waste.
● Learning to distinguish right and wrong and beginning to develop a conscience.

Late childhood:-
●Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
● Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself as  a growing organism.
● Learning to get along with age-mates.
● Beginning to develop appropriate masculine or feminine social roles.
● Developing fundamental skills reading, writing and calculation.
●  Developing concepts necessary for every day living.
● Developing attitude towards social groups and .

●Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates.
● Achieving a masculine and feminine social roles.
● Accepting one's physique and using one's body effectively.
● Acieving emotional independence from parents and other adults.
● Prepare for an economic career.
● Preparing for marriage and family.

Early adulthood:-
●  Getting started in an occupation.
●  Selecting a mate.
●  Learning to live with marriage partner.
●   Starting a family.
●   Mannageing a home.

Old  age:-
● Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health.
● Adjustment to retirement and reducing income.
● Adjusting to death of spouse.
● Establishing satisfactory physical living arrangements.
