Sensory capacities of infants

Vision:-New born infants are far from blind but their visual field is only about one-half of adults because the rods are undeveloped except around the fovea. Color vision is either totally absent or minimal, due to the undeveloped state of the cones. because of muscles weakness , the infant cannot focus both eyes on the same object simultaneously and, as a result, everything is seen as blur.There is some evidence that infant respond to differences to brightness but this evidence is inconclusive.

Hearing:-it is believed that hearing is the least development of all the sences at birth partly because the stoppage of the middle of ear with amniotic fluid for several days after birth makes it impossible for sound waves to penetrate to the inner ear where the cells of hearing located and partly because these cells are partially developed. Low frequency tones can be heard sooner than those of high frequency tones and infants respond sooner to human voice than to other sound.

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Smell:-The cells located in the upper part of the nose, are well developed at birth time. That the infant can distinguish odor is show by crying, head turning, and attempts to withdraw from unpleasant stimuli and by sucking and relaxing the body in response to pleasant stimuli.

Taste:-Because taste is markedly influenced by smell and because the cells for taste, located on the surface of the tongue and the cheeks are, are well developed, the infants sense of taste is keen.the infants has generally positive reaction-relaxing the body and sucking-in sweet stimuli and generally negative response-  crying and squirming- in response to salty, and bitter stimuli.

Skin senstivities:-The sense organ for touch, pressure, and temperature are well developed at birth and close to the surface of the skin. Skin of the new brown's lips is especially sensitive to touch. Sensitivity to cold is more developed than senstivit to hot.
