Factor affecting to language development

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Factor affecting language development

We will briefly glance to see some of the factors that affect the child's language development.

Specific disabilities

Children having either auditory or vocal disability of any kind may have a retarded language development. To, begin with these children may need special assistance to make meaningful gain in the language development. Mental ir visual disability could also hamper the language development.

Home enviornment

The home enviornment plays a significant role in the child's language development. The language spoken at home by the different family members, their vocabulary and grammer patterns, more importantly, the interaction they have with the child or the time they spend with the child with the child all three affect the child's language development. Interaction patterns where the parents or the family members make it a point to talk to the children, draw their attention to the various aspects of the enviornment, explain things to them read out books to the correct their errors by correcting the structure of the sentences, supply the right word or correct the pronunciation, help language development greatly. 


The type of learning experience children have at school and the opportunity they get in expressing themselves as well as learning newer words and language pattern, affect their language development significantly. Here, the role of teachers, exposure to a variety of books, dramatization and cultivation of reading habits are particularly significant.

Peer group

Influence of the peer group is essentially observed in the words and mannerism children learn from their peer group. At times, the language they learn from friends may not gain approval from the teachers and family members. At other times, of course, children benefit from the reading interest and discussions they have with the peers. In learning other language also, the informality of the peer group helps the child to learn a new language more easily.


Exposure of films, radio, tv, and books also affect language development. It is most common to see children imitating characters of films and tv programmes also, thereby speaking the way they do. Also, the variety of programmes and issue dealt with by media directly exposes the child to numerous words and ideas and the way of structuring the sentences. This exposure to media certainly affects the progress child makes in the acquisition of language.


Kirti sharma
