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Motor development
'Mummy',I an going out for a ride on my bicycle, said Greta, and run out. How time flies, thought Geeta's mother. Actually, it wasn't yesterday that geeta could not do all these things, it was eight years ago. And during these eight years as geeta grew, she gained more and better control over her muscles.
At birth, the child can display a variety of motor reflexes some of which are necessary for survival. Try placing a small object in an infant' s palm or touching mouth slightly with a finger. The infant immediately grasps the object placed in palm and sucks on fingers.
At birth,
the child's sences can function , through of course not as well as in later life .
Children can experience heat, cold, pain, etc. And react to these. They can also distinguish between certain, sounds, smells and tastes.
At middle childhood
As children grow from infancy in to middle childhood, they gain more and better control over their muscles, In the initial year of childhood, children gain control over their gross or large muscles, which enables them to control gross movements ,involving large area of the body, e.g., walking, running, jumping etc.
Later, children gain control over their smaller muscles, which enable them to acquire skills like throwing and catching balls, writting, sewing etc. Children will,therefore, walk before they can run, throughthe ball before they will able to catch it, and scribble before they are able to write.
Development of motor abilities and skills
A● Large muscle activities
One of the most important milestones in children's life is walking. Walking enables them to move around more efficiently and frees their hands, thus enabling them to explore and manipulate the things around them.
Delay in walking may indication of some kind of problem with the child, related to physical, mental or socio emotional well being.
● the average ages for unassisted walking is between 13 to 14 months. Some children, however may start walking a little earlier or later than this. The ability to walk develop in a series of stages.
● as children reach preschool years, they discover that they can do many things as there are great advances in strength , speed and coordination.
● By about five year of age children are capable of jumping, running, climbing, etc.. between 2 and 5 years , children's play consists largely of these large muscle activities.
● by the age of 6, most children have mastered the basic motor skill such as sitting, walking, running, jumping, pushing, pulling, grasping, throwing etc. They can balance themselves on a rail, a wall, a chalk mark of the floor, etc.
● children 6, 7 and 8 continue to enjoy strenuous physical activity. Any activity that uses the large muscles is likely to be enjoyed by all children of these ages. Games that involve running, jumping, climbing, etc. Are enjoyed more than sitting.
Fine muscle activities
By 5 or 6 years of age, children are ready to begin to coordination fingers and hands in simple small muscles activities, such as writing, sewing, craft work, etc. At this age, the fine motor skills that a child has are rudimentary.
From 6 to 10 years, there is a progressive improvement in the attainment of these skill.
You can observe clearly the difference in the writing, craft work and other activities involving fine muscles as they go through elementary school.
● there is a great variation in the achievement of fine motor skills. Children learn to do the things for which they have the ability, the opportunity to practice and are given encouragement for accomplishment.
Example:-Ram learned how to weave because
Weaving is taught in her school. Another child, Gopal, learned how to sew because his father is a tailor. Ram can not sew and Gopal can not weave because they have not exposed to these activities. If given the opportunity and practice they can easily acquire both the skills.
● There is a steady improvement in the acquisition of fine motor skills by children as they grow. They gain better control over their eye and hand movements. By 6 years of age, most children can make objects out of paper or clay, do simple craft work, and sewing, write etc. Improvement in these skills continues not only during middle childhood but in also in late childhood and adolescence.
● There may be, a great variation in the motor skills in individual children. A child of 9 may still be doing what another did at 6. This is because the acquisition of fine motor skills depends upon the ability, opportunity and practice which may vary from child to child.
Pattern of development of motor skills is the same for girls and boys.
But generally boys are found to be better in all physical activities as compared to girls. This could be due to the fact that males have larger muscles and more strength than girls.
The development of prehension
We have talked about how children are ready to perform skilled activities like writing, sewing, knitting, weaving etc... not only by the age of 5 years. Have you wondered why children do not acquire these skills earlier, say around 2 and half or3 years of age. What could be the reason for this? The answer lies I the Term prehension.
Is the ability to grasp objects with the forefingersand thumb work smoothly in opposite and the infant can pick up and hold small things. Eye hand coordination also improves. It is common to see one year old drawing and picking up small things like pebbles, seeds, grains, etc., from the floor and putting them in to mouth.
By the time children reach preschool , they become capable of performing more complete task. They like to touch, handle and manipulate everything around them. This is the age when children ask endless questions, wanting to know everything about the world around them.
Handedness means predominant use of one hand over the other. Most babies feel equally at ease with both hands and are able to use both hands, but by the age of two, they will show a definite preference for either the left or the right hand . People are said to be right handed if they use the right hand most, or left handed if they favour the left hand.
Right or left handedness does not make any difference to a person's intelligence, skills or personality.
● whether handedness is hereditary, or the result of training and social conditioning, has been debated for many generations.
There is a significant relationship between physical development and personality of the child.
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