Physical development in elementary child age

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On the profile of an elementary school child, we are now aware that there are various aspects of development, physical and motor, emotional, social, cognitive, language and moral.


● describe the important physical changes that take place in children during middle childhood.

● understand that the rate of physical growth varies from individual to individual and also across the life span of an individual.
● set forth learning goals and choose activities in accordance with the child's maturation level.

● describe how the level of physical and motor development affects the personality and social adjustment of child.

Understand physical development

Let us take an example. Shiela has come to visit her sister after a gap of 2 years. She bought a pretty frock for her niece, Radha. But when she sees radha the first word she said - oh! How much have you grown'? The frock she had bought was too small to her.
Yes, Radha had increased her height. And Radha had also gained weight, her limb had become longer, her body proportion had changed and the permanent teeth had their appearance. 

1• Height and weight

    By the time a child is 5 years old, the height becomes about twice as at birth and weight 5 times birth weight. During the first 2 years , growth is very rapid. From 2 to 6 years, the growth rate slows down . It is, however, still faster than the growth rate from 6 to 10 years of age when it slow down still more.

From the given chart above, you may notice a rapid growth spurt in girls from age 10 to 14 and in boys 12 to 16. This is again followed by a period of slow growth until 18 to 20 years when full adult height is attained.

Physical proportions

Changes in the form and proportion  fo bodies occur as boys and girls grow from infancy to adolescence. By adolescence, they are still slender and thin. 
Different parts of body grow at different rate, 
● during infancy the head of the infant is much larger in proportion to the rest of the body. The head grows in width up to age 3, but continues to grow in length until 18 years of age.

● until the second or permanent teeth have replaced the baby teeth, I.e. shortly before puberty, the mouth, chin and entire lower part of the child's face are small compared with the upper part.

● The forehead flattens, the lips fill out and the eyeball reach their mature size as the child approaches puberty. The nose is small and somewhat flat during the first few years of life.

● by the age of six, the trunk is twice as long and wide as it was at birth. The child gradually becomes slim until pre-puberty, when the body widens out again.
● the length of the arms and hands increases between 60 to 75% from birth to two years. At the age of 8 years, the arms are nearly 50% larger than what they were at 2 years and thi  inappearance, giving the child an adult's look.
● legs grow at a slower rate than the arm. By 6 years of age, a child's legs equal about half the body length.


Though the bones of an infant do not fracture easily, they are very susceptible to deformities as a result of their soft and flexible nature. Even in elementary school, years bone deformalities can result from tight shoes or sitting in a wrong posture at a school desk. 
●Primary school teacher there for,  should make sure that the child is not slouching while sitting, standing or walking. Any bone deformities that occur during this age may last throughout the life of the child.
● at birth, girls are more advanced than boys in bone development. By 6 years, they are about one year ahead of boys and 9 years .

Muscles and fat

Increase in weight at all period of growth is due to the development and additional  to the weight of the bones.
● muscles play an important role in the functioning of the body organs like the heart, the digestive systems etc. They also responsible for the strength and co-ordination of activities.

● muscles develop as the child grows. The large muscle develop more rapidly than the small ones

● A five year old can cut with scissors, catch a ball, etc., task that teo year old unable to do.
With the time and practice, the small muscles mature and the child can perform increasingly complex activities. The child has better control over muscles and movements become mor coordinated, efficient and refined.

During middle childhood, the muscles of the child are still developing.


Teeth begin to form when the fetus is 6 weeks old.when the baby born the teeth are already in the process of development. Teeth appear in the same sequence in all children.
●The first tooth usually erupt between 4 and 12 month of age, with the average 7 months. By the 2 and half year, children have 20 teeth. Those teeth are temporary and called the milk teeth.
● around 6 years of age, most children begin to lose their milk teeth start erupting.
● by age 12 years, all 20 teeth  are replaced by permanent teeth.
● by the age of 13 year, the second molar appear and the child now has 28 teeth.
●the last 4 teeth,  called wisdom teeth , erupt, between the age of 17 to 25 years.
The age for the appearance of teeth varies from child to child. 
A balanced diet, supplements and additional vitamins and fluoride with proper dental care, is essential to the development of sound teeth.


Kirti sharma


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